But at the same time, it makes me think, "Ugh, Christmas card photo."
In my head, the picture, the outfits, the scenery, the attitudes.....all perfect!
But in reality.....NOT.SO.PERFECT.
Where's Cru???
There he is! Cheesin' with a mouthful of gum!
There goes the gum!
"Look at Mommy, damn it!"
Cru!!! Leave your tie alone!
No words.....
Everlee, quit eating leaves!!!! Why does this have to be so difficult?
Seriously....Reese, thumbs up? No, not thumbs up! And Cru, you look like you're constipated!
Sibling love....
Who set her right in front of a stick?!
Wish you were part of our family, huh?
Not the whole hour and 250 pictures were a bust.....
And actually, when it's all said and done, I think I get more enjoyment out of the outtakes than I do the good ones.....that's life! That's life with my kids, my husband, and me (screaming, sweating, getting pissed off and acting like a crazy woman) behind the camera....the Buchman way!
I'm thinking maybe an outtake Christmas card next year????