Thursday, May 24, 2012

All School's Day Festivities

How can you live in McPherson and not love May Day?! Carnival, funnel cakes, May Fete, the parade, and Clown Dawg! Haha, just had to throw him in there.

Reese's dance class performed at the park on Wednesday of May Fete....Bear Necessities.

Reese is the oldest in her class and seemed to have taken on the boss leadership role during the performance!

So what if they basically just shuffled their feet in a circle the whole time. I thought they all did great!

Very proud of her!

And very proud of my braiding!

Her buddy, Carter, was McPherson's royalty prince....such a handsome prince :)

Reese spent the remainder of the beautiful evening with her pal, Quinn. They watched and they danced. And danced! And danced!

Reese knew once she performed at May Fete, it was only two more days until the parade! When you're a child, and you finally realize what "going to the parade" entails, you burst with excitement (especially when you get to ride a float!). However, when you are a parent and realize your child is riding her first All School's Day parade float, bursting with excitement hardly describes it. At least in my case!

These mamas probably know what I'm talking about.

This year's theme was "Hearts Filled with Peace". It took some brainstorming, but St. Joe's ran with the Bible verse, "His peace will guard your heart." Philippians 4:7

Our knights and princesses - Carter, Reese, Mallorie, and Ian

The dads worked their butts off building an amazing float, and it did not disappoint....bobble-headed dragon that breathed smoke, had glowing red eyes, and humongous flapping wings!

Meanwhile, the little siblings patiently waited....

Everlee's first parade! She didn't come last year since it was 45 degrees, wind, and rain. She danced never missing a beat during the whole thing.

Carter on the royalty float

Washington School

Aunt Casyn

This is where Miss Proud Mama kicked in, and I just wanted to burst into tears. Thankfully, I know how to keep my emotions in check.

Grand prize, baby!

Only six more consecutive years of float construction and float riding!

The crew....speaking of, where is Cru???

These kiddos rock! Reese, Carter, and Mallorie

Reese will ride her school float again next year as a kindergartener and it will be the 100th year!

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