Monday, May 24, 2010


We had a weekend of celebrations, and it began with my cousin Emily's high school graduation. To say Reese had an absolute blast with my cousins is an understatement! I'm so upset I didn't have my camera. Literally, the first thing out of her mouth when we left was, "That was so cool!"

Next, we helped Aunt Cheyna celebrate turning 20!

Reese couldn't wait to give Cheyna her present - a fishing pole!

Just a few short hours after leaving the Buchmans, we got a call from Aunty Chancey down in Florida....another reason to celebrate.....she got engaged!!!!

Celebrations continued on into Sunday with my cousin Isaac's college graduation (who is now headed to KU med!) out at the family pond. I shared in Reese's excitement to go out there. This place is seriously one of the most peaceful and beautiful places I have ever seen.

Reese was absolutely totally 100% in love with little Casen.

My uncle Jeff promised Isaac an orange Chevy Camaro if he graduated best thing, a model one.

But wait, what's that? Surprise, it's the real thing!

Of course, we couldn't leave without watching Jeff feed the catfish.

A weekend of celebrations it was - celebrating life, family, and accomplishments. Doesn't get much better.

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