Last year, our season was filled with dirt twirling, timidness, and lots of complaining, but this year, there were smiles, effort, and maybe even a little bit of talent....I mean at times the girl actually looked like she knew what she was doing! It's amazing what a year of maturity does!
Love having Daddy help coach!
On the way to every game, we would tell her to run fast because last year she would just twiddle her way down to first, and this year, she actually RAN!
Papa's pep talks are the best!
It definitely made for a fun season with good friends on our team!
Mallorie, Reese, and Addi
Mal and Reese
And boy, did Reese's friends bring their A game in the fashion department!
Daddy coaching Addi
Addi's dad is a football coach....wonder if this is the game face he teaches her at home?!
It's a good thing Reese's friends have fun little siblings otherwise Cru and Everlee might have been bored this season!
Karlie, Cru, and Cole
Cole, Colt, and Cru
Karlie and Everlee sharing snacks
Colt and Evee ♥
Cru could always count on Colt bringing his cars
Cru, Colt, Cole, and Karlie....could possibly be my favorite picture!
And speaking of siblings....
Never a dull moment!
Thanks to Reese's #1 fans for coming to each game, cheering on our girl, and helping with the Littles! We love you all very much!
And to our sweet what if you missed a base or two.....
We are so proud of your enthusiasm and positive attitude above anything else that you showed each game....
Even if the biggest smiles came at the end of the game once you received your snack!
Can't wait for coach pitch next year....Daddy get to practicing!!!