The kids' church chior has been sang every Sunday of Advent, and each Sunday a different child has sang a solo. Reese sang the solo on the third Sunday of Advent. We practiced and practiced and boy, was she nervous! But she did not let her nerves get the best of her! I can't even describe how proud I was! I know her voice isn't the best (and I hope she doesn't get mad at me if she ever reads this years down the road), but that morning, she sounded like an angel.
I have no idea what is wrong with Cru....haha!
That same Sunday was their Christmas program. Our church music director does such a wonderful job coordinating our program. So very thankful for her!
Sheep buttin' heads with Cow! That little sheep was ornery!
We had a long day of moving the day before, so Daddy and Grandpa Dell stayed home with Evee and worked on things at the new house.
Very proud of these two. Sometimes I never know how they'll do, mainly Cru. He kept saying he didn't want to sing and he didn't want to be a cow because it was too itchy, but they both performed great and were rewarded with numerous cookies afterwards! I'm speaking mainly about Cru, yet again. He kept grabbing two cookies at a time, taking one bite, then telling me the cookie hurt his head and he needed to chose a different one. That kid!
Honor Roll
1 week ago