Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Evee at 19 months

Evee is now 19 months.  She had her 18 month well check last week....I know, I'm only a month late instead of five or six!  Wahoo!  Only because the doctor's office scheduled it for us :)

To be honest, I was a little worried how her appointment might go because of what happened last time....

Baby with her at all times ♥

Thankfully, I had nothing to worry about!  She did great!  Never cried once!  Probably because big brother wasn't with us :)

Her current stats -
24 pounds (50%)
32 1/2 inches (50-75%)
19 inches (90%...big heads brains seem to be a common quality our children share!)

And most importantly, she's healthy!

Funny story - while the doctor was examining her, he'd ask her a question like, "Can I look in your ears?" She would shake her head and reply, "Unh-uh."  He giggled at her and told me how that's a common response kids give at this age.  Well, once her exam was finished, he told her that she did a great job, then asked her if she wanted a toy, and much to his surprise, in her sweet little voice she said, "Yes." He laughed and laughed and said, "You do know what I'm talking about, don't you?!" Haha!

She is a smart one!

You wouldn't believe all the words that are coming out of her mouth!  She repeats and mimics everything!  And uses her manners...even in the midst of crying for a snack, she still says thank you :)

She's quite the character....always making us laugh!

She loves her brother and sister more than anything!  She wants to be with them at all times and of course, do whatever they are doing.

Still a climber!  The other day Cru found her stuck climbing up the outside of her crib.

Still eats and sleeps very well, which we are very thankful for!

Although I'm in no rush to start potty training, she seems to be interested :/  Maybe she'll be our easiest!  And you can never ever let her sleep or play without pants on....diaper immediately comes off!

My only negative comment is that she is growing up so fast....seems to be all people tell us.

So thankful for her!

Love you so much, Evee!  You keep us on our toes, you shower us with hugs and kisses, you bring so much joy to our hearts, and you make our family complete!

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