Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yesterday, little sis and I spent part of our morning at the kids' school supervising the extra recess that the kids earned for selling Oktoberfest tickets.

No surprise that Everlee LOVED playing with the big kids!

I also wasn't surprised to see Cru thoroughly enjoy being chased by the girls.  Their little voices kept hollering for him, then one in particular seemed to catch him quite often....and not let go.

We happen to run into this girl later in the evening, her parents too.  So I mentioned watching them at recess to the girl's mom, and she said she believes her daughter has her first crush on our little man.  She must talk about him frequently at home, even tells her mom that when she grows up, her son's name will be Max Buchman (insert wide-eyed emoji here).

I'm documenting this story because quite frankly, you just never know.  If they do get married some day, they will have this ♥

One thing's for sure though, that sweet little girl better watch out for this sassy pants....

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