Hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone. We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house, as we always do. We shared a wonderful meal before church, then had present time after church.
So happy to have
Charlee with us this year.

I think my fondest, most favorite memory of the evening came at church. Because
Cru was his normal self, I hadn't heard any of the service, and actually I had just taken him out of the sanctuary when I saw all the lights go off; it was time for candles! I darted back in there as fast as I could, passed him off to Chet, and sat down next to Reese. She was on cloud nine to have her own candle. The music started and she looked up at me beaming because we were about to sing Silent Night; she's so proud to know that song now. She leaned into me, I put my arm around her, and we started singing and before I knew it, I was overcome with emotion. You could feel the spirit alive in her. That was the perfect gift.

jammies were on and the kids were ready for presents!

Cru wanted to play with every present once he opened it.

Yes, even tackling right after he opened a box of balls....Uncle Ty is quite the instigator.

Reese said, "A baseball helmet for my bike!" when she opened her helmet.

Everyone got to hear
Charlee laugh for the first time thanks to cousin Reese.

After getting home late from
Grammi and Papa's, the kids got snacks and drinks ready for Santa and his reindeer. Little man stuffed in as much as he could before heading off to bed screaming cookie.

Christmas morning began a little before 8 when Reese laid in bed and yelled, "Mom! Can I get up now?" The kids were excited to see presents, but just as excited to see their snacks had been
Cru tried to finish off what Santa and the reindeer didn't. Once again, ending in a fit for cookies.

Reese just kept saying, "How did Santa know what I wanted?"

She hopped right up on her new bike and said, "It has a ding dong!" A bell, that is.

Then despite boxes and wrapping paper all over the house, she found a path and pedaled away.

As soon as we were done opening gifts at home, we headed to Chet's parents house. We are so fortunate to live in the same town as both sets of our parents.

Warning: very little clothing was worn in these pictures....my kids refuse to wear clothes, ever.

They take full advantage of having young aunties and uncle.

I'm so excited to get Reese's new room in the basement set up, and this new vanity is going to fit right in!

Chet was very specific on the kind of farm he wanted
Cru to have, and boy, did Grandma and Grandpa hit the jackpot with this!

After a wonderful day at the
Buchman house, we headed right back to my parent's house to an evening of fun with my dad's brother's family. Since all of my cousins live in either KC, Lawrence, or Manhattan, it feels like we don't see them as often as we'd like. We had so much fun laughing and catching up, I took zero pictures.
And today, after spending all day putting together and playing with new toys, we headed to
Lindsborg for one more Christmas gathering. This time with my mom's side of the family. This year, we decided to have Mexican for our Christmas dinner, which yeah, is not traditional, but it was oh-so good! We also enjoyed a surprised visit from Santa! Reese was super excited!
Cru was not, but handled it well and even told him bye.

As soon as my cousin walked back into the room in his normal clothes, Reese went up to him and said, "It was you!" How she knew, I don't know, but it never ceases to amaze me how observant she is.
Whenever someone asked Reese what she wanted for Christmas, the answer was always Cinderella Baby. I have been worried for the past two days that she would be so disappointed she didn't get her. But worry no more because Santa pulled through!

All the
grandkids and great
grandkids on the Chambers side with Grandma (minus Ty and

Thank you to our families for making yet another Christmas so special. Thank you to Chet for all of his patience because despite not having to travel anywhere, the days are still long and when Cru is out of his routine, it is not pretty. So thanks for hanging in there, babe. And thank you to my kids. Sure I have great Christmas memories from when I was a kid, like staying at my grandma's every Christmas Eve with all my cousins and watching A Christmas Story over and over again, but nothing compares to Christmas through your own child's eyes. Reese and Cru, you make this holiday so special and so worth it. And to think next year we'll have another little one! I love my babies more than I can ever explain.