When you become a parent, you quickly learn that life is about the little things - a baby's big burp, the way he/she smiled at you, or the laughs and squeals you hear when you play a simple game of hide and seek.
As I mentioned in my
28 weeks post, Monday was my best moment of the week. Yes, a Monday of all days was the best; it was all about the little things.
I tend to find myself getting caught up in our same routine day after day and not taking time to just enjoy what's in front of me. So as I laid in bed Monday morning thinking about all we had to do that day, I quickly decided all that could wait because we needed some serious play time. I checked the weather report on my phone, and although, it was a chilly 35 degrees, it was supposed to hit 60. I had hoped by mid-morning we'd be able to hit up the park. Wrong! It was freezing! So we headed to an indoor park, also known as McDonald's. Cru enjoyed a rare special treat - chocolate milk.
And Reese devoured her pancakes like she was worried her pregnant mom was going to steal them from her or something.
Then the kids played and played.
No fighting, no hitting, no screaming, they actually enjoyed each other and best of all, they laughed A LOT. It was awesome! The little things.
Our day continued on with grocery shopping, a stop by Dirt Cheap, lunch, and then when Cru finally went down for his nap, I asked Reese if she wanted to build a fort. She was like, "What's a port?" Oh child, how I have failed you! I could not believe we hadn't built a fort before.
OK, so our fort totally sucked, but she thought it was the coolest thing ever. She gathered as many animals as possible and told them they were going "camping" with her. She spent Cru's whole nap time under there. The little things.
As evening approached, Reese went to play at Grammi and Papa's (just like she did last Friday evening). Cru cried big tears as he watched them leave (just as he did Friday). I quickly bundled him up and we headed outside (just like we did Friday). As soon as we were out the door, he put out his hand and said, "Walk." No toys were needed or wanted. I grabbed his hand and off we went. It wasn't long before he said, "Mommy, run!" So we ran (you guessed it, just as we did on Friday). We watched the geese fly south, we barked at the dogs that barked at us, and we chatted with neighbors. And then, he did something he didn't do last Friday, he grabbed his hat and flipped it around backwards (something he started doing when he saw his Daddy do it).
And the way he laughed at himself and then continued on taking in everything around him, got me. Got my heart and melted it to mush right there in the middle of the street. I wanted to cry, to freeze that moment, and to freeze him. But his little legs quickly took off again and we were soon back home, and all I could think about was how a little thing like a walk with my son could make my day.
I am so thankful God brought my little
loves into my life and opened my eyes to what life is about - the little things.