Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 22 weeks
Size of baby: 1 pound and 11 inches
Total weight gain: 15 pounds....gained another 5 pounds this depressing. I've been joking that I'm going to have a 9-pounder this time around.....maybe I will.
Maternity clothes: Wearing a combination of maternity and regular clothes.
Gender: ? Today, Reese told the doctor it's a boy.
Movement: Feeling movement all the time now :)
Sleep: Sleeping well
Symptoms: Last night, I got my first charlie horse of this pregnancy. I had them with both Reese and Cru, some very painful.
What I miss: Nothing really....the fact that I can't have a cocktail is finally (kinda) settling in.
Cravings: Thanks to my sister-in-law, Chancey, my skittle craving was satisfied.
Best moment of the week: Hearing the heart beat this morning.....that sound never gets old.
What I'm looking forward to: My hair appointment this week! Not just because I need one, but a couple hours alone sounds simply amazing.
We've had A LOT going on lately, so much I really haven't even had a chance to take pictures. Here's a little update.
- My best friend, Leann, was here last week for three days! It was pure bliss, I thought. She, on the other hand, probably thought it was pure chaos. With us both expecting babies, we had lots to laugh, talk, and complain about. And of course, we did lots of good eating. Thank you, Leann, for coming! Thanks for putting up with my crazy life. And most importantly, thanks for being such an amazing friend over all these years. I love you!
- Congratulations to Aunt Casyn and her doubles partner, Kirsten, on winning regionals this weekend!
- Have you ever tried these?
As a mom, they are wonderful! Chet thinks they are a waste of money, but I can just whip them out of the fridge and either give the kids one (without wasting an entire apple) or give them 20 - they are all ready to go! Love, love, love them!
- I didn't know ranch dip made such good/tasty face paint.
- Halloween is quickly approaching, and we are excited! Like glow-in-the-dark skeleton jammies excited!
- This weekend, we had a wedding shower for Aunty Chancey. Can't believe we'll all be in Florida is just 2 short months!

- This week is my third week following my family meal planner cookbook. It has been worth every penny! I highly recommend checking it out -
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