Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some see a weed {ok, there are actually lots of weeds, but just go with it}

Some see a wish

And according to Facebook, some see Reese ^^^

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip

Ever since the field trip form was sent home {the week after spring break, I believe?}, Cru has been counting down the days!

Chet is traveling out of state this week, so Everlee played hooky and tagged along.  She was given strict instructions NOT to talk to ANY of Cru's friends.  His instructions, not mine :)

Picture overload!

Everlee wasn't the only little sitting tagging along....

Hayden too!

These cuties learned some valuable life skills while the big kids went to the science presentation....bravery and capturing memories! {aka feeding goats and taking selfies}

A little more fun before heading home!

The day was perfect!  And yet again, I'm reminded of what saints teachers are!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Rest of Our Week


April 15th!  That deserves a celebration!

Dr. Pepper Icy! #obsessed

The littles had trouble, yet again, following outside rules, so inside entertainment it was...

Yes, Everlee has boobs!  She wore a "browns" {aka bra} and one of my dresses for two afternoons straight...and loved every minute of it.  I loved watching her run across the cul-de-sac holding her chest.

That evening, we had our usual end of busy season supper.

Very thankful for this man's hard work.  Very thankful he won't be working until 3am...until his next deadline.  And very thankful for vodka!  Taking care of the home front definitely isn't the same as being a tax accountant, but dang, it isn't easy!


Oh, how I miss our annual after tax season trip to the zoo :(  I think I really just miss everyone being little.  One of these days, we'll play hookie!  This year, Chet and I went out for breakfast.  I probably do that once a year.

We checked out Everlee's picture on one of the new downtown banners....


We walked and rode bikes home from school with the littles. 

I found this pic on my phone...

The entire afternoon spent putting together one loveseat. 

Two chairs and one table to go.

Sorry, Chet.

Photo cred goes to Everlee.  She's a good supervisor.

You can kind of tell from the pic that the sky looks a little dark.  Thunder was starting to rumble a bit; Coy was escaping. 


She's terrified of storms.  And has no problem finding a tiny spot along our fence to squeeze her body under. 

About an hour later, it looked like this....

Not cool.

The littles and I did lots of drive way and deck sweeping today.


I spy Cru....

Hint...little guy asks every day when we are getting our basketball goal.

Little miss went "fishing" and fought off squirrels.

We visited the "jungle" {aka youth week at the Credit Union}.

They each filled out a piece of paper for the drawings, and they had to say what they are saving their money for.
Reese - books
Cru - the poor
Everlee - college

Love them!!!

I wanted to fall asleep a few hours ago, but fought it off and am now wide awake at 12:15am....and looking forward to our low key weekend...no soccer, no softball just a birthday party, church, basketball camp, and float construction.