Monday, November 25, 2013

One Year Run-iversary

October marked one year of consistently running!  When I went out for my first "jog" with my little running trio, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into.....

A handful or 5ks, one half marathon, many, many miles around the hood, learning to run and talk at the same time, figuring out that my stomach prefers evening runs over morning runs (except when I eat Chinese), accepting the fact that I will never be fast (which I'm totally fine with)....

But above all else, the laughs, the griping, the dodging frogs, the hiding behind your fellow runners when the occasional stray dog comes your way, the picking out a race outfit, the running in the heat, the wind, the freezing temperatures....those MEMORIES trump everything!

Memories that also include a special someone....

 Chet running his first 5k and totally kicking butt!

And making memories with new running partners....

Memories of running 30 miles from McPherson to Newton....FOR DONUTS!!!

Hello, we're nuts!

Running through a tractor leaking ammonium will before be embedded in my nose...

I most definitely had not been training to run that far, so once I made it to Moundridge (14.5 miles, very slow running, but no walking), I realized I really had nothing to prove, and it was probably physically best for me to cheer the others on the rest of the way.

Arriving at 2am, going to bed at 3:30am, then getting up at 7:30am for soccer....dumb dumb dumb! I burned like 1200 calories, and even that wasn't worth it!

Our trio doesn't have to be running to make getting up early, driving an hour, trying to strategically read the race route map, cheering on others running a full marathon, and making it back in time for church!

Celebrating our run-iversary at the spa!!!!

And this is where we learned that we suck at selfies....a joke now every time we run!

We may suck at selfies, but we sure kick butt at drinking margaritas!

You'd think I would have shed some pounds running all those miles!  Which is why most people would have probably quit by now, if not before.  But, for me, it's about so much more than that.

It's time away from the house.  It's time talking to someone other than a toddler.  It's exercising my aching, swollen joints.  It's accomplishing goals that I never imagined or thought possible.

And it's doing all of that with some pretty fantastic friends.

Happy run-iversary, girls!!!

Cheers to many more miles, many more laughs, and even more MEMORIES!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Day in the Life of Everlee's Wardrobe

When Chet walked in the door after work tonight, and he first saw Everlee.....

Chet:  Evee!  How many times a day do you change your clothes?!
Me:  I'm glad you asked that because I actually documented it today!

In her jammies first thing this morning...

Her go-to outfit....wears it every single day, takes it on and off a couple times a day, we've modified it when it's been colder and put purple leggings underneath, but she puts this shirt and this pair of shorts on at least once every single day!

A short time later...

who doesn't love twirly, ruffly skirts?!

Yes, she picks this stuff out!  She yells from her closet because she needs me to pick her up, then picks out what she wants to wear!

And next...ready for Christmas in the rain!

I think I missed one when we picked Reese up from school....a giant fluffy pink tutu.

Lots of empty tubs = a productive day of cleaning my work area and our storage room!

Final outfit of the evening, a KU dress :)

After bath, her "jammies" for tonight....

She's known to change jammies numerous times as well, and since I left before she went to bed, we'll see what she's wearing when she wakes up :)

This is literally no exaggeration about how many times she changes her clothes each and every day!  She has set things she likes to wear too, like the purple shirt and shorts outfit.  She has a pink twirly dress that's a staple.  She actually tried to put it on, but mean mommy took it away since she had pulled it out of the dirty clothes with spilled ice cream on it from the weekend.  She also likes to wear swimming suits and dance leotards A LOT!  And nine times out of ten, she's either wearing flip flops or Toms, like in the ruffle skirt outfit, she was wearing glitter shoes when I took her picture, but minutes later when we went to pick up Cru, she switched to her flip flops.

Exhausted from just reading???

Come do my laundry, then we'll talk about exhausted!

Say what???!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Halloween 2013....

came and went as fast as grease lightening!!!

Reese spotted a poodle skirt costume in a magazine nearly 6 months prior to Halloween.  Of course, it's not Halloween if they aren't coordinated, so I started brainstorming....

Fast forward to October....Reese still wanted to wear a poodle skirt, so we finally settled on a Grease theme. Love, love Grease!  I decided to rent it the day before Halloween (we only have it on VHS) and let the kids watch some of it to get a better understanding of where their costumes came from.  Cru picked up on one thing during the movie....all the SMOKING!  I caught him from across the living room "smoking" a toothpick!  He's slightly obsessed with people who smoke.  At least he was getting a better grasp as to what a T Bird was....he told his teacher the day before that it was some kind of a bird! that kid!

Ok, so the day of Halloween, the littles and I did our best to keep busy while waiting for Reese to get out of school....we were ready to get the festivities started!

I was actually more than ready a couple days prior to Halloween when I did a practice run on Miss Evee's rebel "Sandy" hair....

LOVE IT!!!!!!!  Reese and Cru were in shock when they saw her!

This was our first Halloween in our new neighborhood, and the kids had a blast!!!  We met up with our neighbors and afterwards decided this needs to happen again because the kids had so much fun together!


Jaxon, Jensen, Evee, Cru, and Reese

As we made our way to the end of our street, we met up with more friends....

Beckett, Everlee, Reid, Reese, Cru, Jaxon, Thatcher, and Jensen....yes, they are all every bit as ornery as they are cute!

Love birds #1

Thatcher and Evee ♥

Love birds #2

Reid and Reese ♥  Her blushing red cheeks say it all!

After making the rounds around our block, we decided to go back home and hand out candy, which the kids loved!  We were busy!

When Reese first said she wanted to wear a poodle skirt, I wasn't feelin' it.  But I am so happy I couldn't come up with any other ideas because I loved our Grease theme!  The kids never put up a fight, their costumes were comfortable, and like I said, they had a blast!

Sweet, sweet memories of my girl wearing my skirt that my Grandma Reese made for me ♥


This girl....holy cow!!!  She was rockin' it!

And I quote, "Tell me about it, stuggg!"  Priceless!