Wednesday, September 26, 2012

6 year old's social calendar

I think its safe to say our lazy days of summer are officially over! A certain six year old is doing a pretty good job of keeping us all busy! Chet and I have tried not to already get her and ourselves involved in too much.  I think we are doing a pretty good job of it, however, some weeks it feels as if we are running in every which direction!



Play dates....

Of course, we are never too busy to spend time with friends!

Cheer camp....



 Which also included performing at the football game!

I was so shocked at how well the girls performed at the game!  They spent two hours at the clinic learning the cheer and dance routine, and boy, did they nail it!

And the same weekend Reese cheered, she started six weeks of basketball camp!

Reese is loving basketball!  She said it was WAY better than cheer camp, and she literally can't wait for every Sunday!  And since a week is a long time for a kid to wait for something they are excited about, she's been spending a couple evenings a week practicing at my parent's.

And if she's not practicing basketball, her Daddy is doing all he can to get her college paid for!

Sports aren't everything though, so she's staying on top of her school work even while spending the night with Grammie and Papa!

And let's not forget, we are trying to make it to as many of Aunt Cheyna's soccer games as possible since its her last year as a bulldog.


And then she got hurt :(

So we cheered extra loud for Molly....Cru's fav....we might as well start calling her aunt too!

The college needs some extra security.....

We may get a little tired along the way....

but I think we are all liking this change of pace.

At least we are doing it with a smile on our faces....

and a sucker in our mouth!

***Damn blogger changed things on me again...grrr!  Hence my spacing issues that I cannot resolve.  I don't think I can change back to the old dashboard, so I guess I better figure out how to post in the new version....bare with me!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cru's First Cherub Chior Performance


I have no words, except that he was SO proud of himself!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Charlee Mae is 2

Our sweet niece/cousin, Charlee Mae, turned two on September 16....two?!  Where has the time gone???

My brother and sister-in-law planned her party for earlier in August with the intentions of celebrating at El Dorado's splash park. However, mother nature had other plans...cue rain, thunder, lightening, and more rain.  So, we just partied at Charlee's instead!


Seriously, how cute is she ♥

Funny story - my brother and Audrey gave Charlee a baseball glove, and she was terrified of it!  Ty and Audrey tried to show her there was nothing to be afraid of by playing catch, but she still wanted nothing to do with it!  With my brother being a coach and our family loving this sport so much, it's pretty funny!  She does have a mean left curve already, so I guess they'll just have to keep working on the glove part.

Maddox and Elliott

We love you so much, Charlee Mae! What a little girl you are becoming....beautiful, smart, funny! Your mom and dad are doing such a wonderful job raising such a special little girl. So happy to help you celebrate!

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Day at the Farm

Our friends, the Coopers, have been attending A Day at the Farm for a few years now. I've heard them talk about this, but we have never went. This year, they decided to have Cole's birthday party there, and I'm pretty sure my kids thought it was the best birthday party ever!

I mean, hello, any function you get to wear your red boots to you know is going to be one heck of a party!

Horse rides were, of course, a favorite!

Cru and birthday boy, Cole

Breaking Amish....watched it yet? This little girl just made me think of that :)

These horses were not trained riding horses, they were just brought over by surrounding neighbors and led by their owners. A couple horses actually got loose and it appeared (I say that because I didn't actually see it, but the lady who was walking across the field severely limping and holding her back sort of gave it away) to have bucked someone off.

But I tried to not to show my fear....

My view riding with Everlee....holding tight

Reese and Cru could have ridden all day....

But we had more of the farm to explore.....

Reese's favorite ♥

I caught Asher kissing a chick!

Evee really needs to do something about her open mouth kisses!

Reese milking a goat...she's just a regular farm hand at this point.

Making rope

Cru and Cole

Asher and Reese

Seriously, awesome day! And the fact that my kids got to experience it with their good friends just makes it even better!

We WILL go back next year...and the year after that....and so on!

I apologize for the poor pictures quality....minutes from the farm, I looked down at the passenger seat and realized my camera bag was not staring back at me, so all pictures are from my phone.