Monday, February 27, 2012

Cowboy Cru is 3!

We had so much fun celebrating Cru's third birthday this weekend!

3!!! Can't believe he's 3!

It was a lot of fun watching the kids be cowboys and cowgirls riding their stick horses, shooting the bullseye, and playing in the western town!

Cru was so funny when it came time for cake....

we all started singing, which he sang along to very loudly and after every time we sang "Happy birthday to you", he would try to blow out the candles. Then we'd start singing the next verse, which he sang as well, "Happy birthday to you" blooooowwwww! And by the time we got to "Happy birthday dear Cruuuuu", his candles were out! And that's what we love so much about him!

Our little man is so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family!

It really meant a lot to us that Chet's Grandma and Grandpa were able to make the trip!

A special good-bye for Grandma Norma from the sweet cowboy.

Cru may be a whiny, challenging, make-you-want-to-pull-your-hair-out-and-scream kind of kid who loves Dora, wearing his shirt unbuttoned, and really didn't understand or care that it was his birthday. But he is also the most lovable, affectionate, polite, little mama's boy, and our lives just wouldn't be the same or as blessed without him in it.

No matter how many times we yell at you, we really do love you, Buddy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birthday Prep

Our little man turns 3 this weekend!!!!

So we are staying very busy this week preparing and working on projects for his party.....

At least I have a great space to work in since I decided to sell our table and chairs (which was bought and picked up all in a matter of hours....oops!).

And only in Kansas do we get a huge thunderstorm with hail in the middle of winter!

Totally random (especially the last part) and dumb post, but just wanted to share what we are up to!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm so sorry for my terrible writing in this post.....words just weren't coming to me......


We started indulging in Valentine's treats a few days ago when Daddy surprised us with some yummy red velvet cupcakes made by our friend Kellsie Corrigan!

If you are needing cupcakes, CALL HER!!!!

Reese had her Valentine's party at school on Monday. She gave her friends these super cute, non-sugar, inexpensive (<$4 total!) treats! Thank you, Pinterest!

We didn't have anything special planned for Tuesday, but I definitely wasn't planning on Cru throwing up first thing in the morning :( So, we did lots of lounging around in our jammies.

About mid-morning, my Uncle Jeff delivered us three bouquets of flowers from our oh-so-sweet Daddy.

We love our Daddy ♥

I didn't want Cru to feel left out since Daddy didn't send him flowers, so it was the perfect time to give him his present, which just so happens to be his latest obsession - The Sandlot.

After lunch, we finally put on some normal clothes.

Then, as the little ones napped, Reese and I played balloon tennis with heart wands that came in our flower bouquets.....

We also made love notes for Daddy.....

cut, sounded out, and written all by herself

We also practiced cartwheels (yes, WE.....had to show her how it's done!). I would so love to own a trampoline so I can show her how to do flips!

Daddy brought home supper and champagne, and we also enjoyed visits from both grandparents to wrap up our evening.

Hope all of you had a wonderful day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grandma Mary's Birthday

Last week, my Grandma Mary also had a birthday, so the kids and I made a special trip to the Cedars to visit her and wish her a happy birthday!

Reese loves visiting Grandma and playing with all of her dolls. And ever since she started making regular visits there with my mom, she says she wants to help old people walk when she gets older :)

Cru LOVES Grandma Mary! When I told him where we were going and that we were going to give Grandma a big birthday hug, he told me he wanted to give her a kiss....the boy loves to show affection!

He backed out of the whole kiss thing once we got there though!

I have a feeling Everlee will enjoy visiting the Cedars as well once she gets a little older. But for now, she's a little resistant to all those cheek pinchers.

My grandma was very surprised and very happy to see us. We were only there for about five minutes, but I have a feeling that five minutes meant the world to her!

Happy Birthday, Grandma Mary!!!

Birthdays are a continuing theme for our family this month. Little man's will be here soon enough.

Big sister and her friend covered his face in make-up. I have a feeling he sat very still, but once they were done, he was NOT HAPPY!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Everlee's Wild Bash

Last Friday, we had a wild first birthday bash for Miss Everlee!

Ok, so maybe not the wild you were thinking, but it was perfect for our little angel. She loved every minute....hugs and squeezes from family, pizza, cake smashing with her siblings, and lovin' on all her new toys!

Check out the pics and see her joy for yourself.....

Everlee is one loved little girl!

A little girl she seems to be now :( She looks older, she runs everywhere, and she's babbling up a storm.

I miss my baby.....but I also absolutely love this little girl she is becoming!