Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Whenever I have something I want to blog about, I'm usually away from my computer and start "writing" the post in my head. But it never fails, when I finally go to type out my thoughts, it goes a little something like this.....

uhhhh............the words just won't come out...........ahhhhh.........why does everything sound so good in my head.......just type it.......grrrrr!!!!!

Which is exactly what's happening with this I apologize if I sound scattered brained, but......

I just want to share how grateful I am for Chet. I don't tell him this nearly enough.

Trust me, we have our differences in opinions. And just recently, we really disagreed on something, and I was very upset and disappointed in the decision that was made.....but for my own selfish reasons. Which then leads me to dwell on all the other things that frustrate me. And because he is who he is, instead of bringing my faults to the forefront, he just silently finds a way to put me in check and bring me back down to reality.

I have to wonder what I did to deserve such an amazing man.

Thank you, Chet, for loving God, loving me, and loving our beautiful children more than anything else in this world.

You are the most inspiring, sacrificing, humble, unselfish, compassionate, motivated, over-achieving person I know. I truly, truly appreciate ALL you do!

Love you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend recap in pictures

We didn't do a whole lot this weekend, but enough to keep us busy!

One thing for sure though, we definitely enjoyed the weather!

I think we spent all Friday afternoon and evening outside (until the girls and I visited my grandma and had supper with my mom and aunt, and the boys had supper with Uncle Caid).

He calls himself Justin Beaver!

Saturday, we went to Aunt Cheyna's soccer game. Cru loves going to games.....not sure if it's because he likes soccer or likes all the attention he gets from Cheyna's teammates!

After the game, we enjoyed pizza and family time at the Buchman's!

Oh yeah, also on Saturday, our kids decided that Coy's doggie door is the coolest thing EVER!

They also thought drinking from her water dish, then mixing her water and food was really cool! Never a dull moment!

Sunday, we skipped church....shhhh, don't tell! We spent more time outside and then spent the evening at my parent's house.

Oh, and we also picked up some amazing cupcakes......

Is your mouth watering yet? Check more info out here! If you order some, you will NOT be disappointed!

And just because, lets end this with a few more pictures that I hope make you smile!

Miss Everlee enjoying her new toy from cousin Charlee!

Man, this golf cart pisses him off.....

in the grass to the left, then in the grass to the right! You'll get the hang of it soon, Buddy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This morning

This morning was beautiful - the weather and the people!

This morning is how I'd love to start every morning!

This morning was perfection (despite Reese peeing by a tree)!

This morning was refreshing!

This morning was not without fits!

This morning was a reminder that yes, being a mother is so difficult and so trying, but so rewarding!

This morning was exactly what I needed!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Charlee Mae is 1!

This past weekend we celebrated Charlee's first birthday. It's crazy to think a year has already gone by since she was born!

She is just the sweetest, best little girl ever! Such a blessing to our families.

Ty and Audrey had such a nice party for her....I took mental notes of different ideas because I've been thinking of having a pink and zebra party for Miss Everlee :)

Good food, great decorations, and HORSE RIDES!!! Seriously, my kids were in heaven!

Charlee WENT TO TOWN on her cupcake!

It was such an enjoyable evening with friends and family!

Happy Birthday, Charlee! We love you and can't wait to see what's in store for you this year!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


So happy it's Friday!

It's been a long week.

Yes, she's now standing!

It's been a cool week!

But it's over now!

And there's lots to look forward to this weekend!

Wishing you all a happy weekend!

Have I mentioned how happy I am that it's Friday?