Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day weekend

This past weekend was a whirl wind of good times!

It started Friday night with Reese's dance recital. I'm so happy she loves dance. As much as I love shakin' what my mama gave me, that hasn't always been the case. I hated dance class when I was a kid. Hated it! I was left handed, therefore, I did all the moves backwards, so I was extremely embarrassed.

Apparently, that doesn't bother Reese. Ha!

When I was in middle school and we started having dances, I was terrified, so I decided to teach myself how to dance. How might you ask? By watching African Americans dance on tv, of course. Everyone knows they have rhythm. True story, just wanted to share that little piece of trivia.

Back to Reesey and her moves....

Reese's friend from church, Carly, was dancing as well. She is always so sweet and friendly to Reese.

Her first dance was to The Jackson 5 ABC.

All dancers performed to Move it, Move it before intermission.

Next was Under the Sea.

And lastly, everyone danced to To-de-ta, which she was totally into!

Grandma Cheryl knew the To-de-ta dance too!

At this point, Everlee was STARVING! So we went out to the van, and I guess once the song was over, Cru was being a little noisy, so Reese (still on stage) told him to be quiet.


We enjoyed a cookie reception afterwards, and Reese enjoyed being showered with flowers and gifts from all of us who love her so much!

Reese's dance teacher, Alesia

And to top off the night, Everlee explosively pooped her pants.....

and I had no diapers! This just happened a couple weekends ago at my parents house as well, and she ended up wearing one of Charlee's diapers. This time, I had one, just one, of Cru's diapers, so she wore it. But it gets better.....she pooped all the way up the back of her shirt, and the only extra outfit I had was a newborn outfit, which didn't even cover her butt, her size 4 wearing diaper butt! Poor thing. Good thing all this happened at the end of the concert!

Saturday was another jam-packed day. First, Reese had t-ball practice. It started at 9:00, so I thought (and hoped) her and Chet would be home by 10:00 since we were leaving for Russell for my cousin, Isaac's, wedding at 11:00. Reese and Chet didn't get home until 10:15, so between getting Everlee fed and dressed, Reese cleaned up and dressed, and Chet showered and dressed, it was chaos. Oh yeah, and lets not forget about little man. He needed to get ready too so he could go with Grandma Cheryl to visit Grandma Norma, which we were so thankful for - sitting quietly during the wedding just wouldn't have been his thing. Finding turtles was more like it!

We left about 20 minutes late, but that didn't matter because Everlee slept the entire way to Russell, which was a huge blessing since she hates her car seat!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful! I know I've rambled a lot in this post already, but I just want to record something else that happened. Recently, Reese was asked to be a flower girl in my cousin, Andrew's, wedding. Well, she must be taking it pretty seriously because as the flower girl in Isaac and Jaycee's wedding walked down the isle, she whispered to me that she did NOT do a very good job. I asked her why and she said that she didn't spread the pedals out. Ha!

It's a good thing she's taking her job seriously because at Isaac and Jaycee's wedding, my other cousin, Amber, asked her to be her flower girl next spring. She was so excited!

Isaac and Jaycee's reception was just as beautiful as the ceremony.

I didn't get a picture of the bride and groom because our time at the reception was cut short because Miss Everlee, although adorable....

had just had enough. And proceeded to cry the whole way home.

Our weekend fun wasn't over yet! When my dad was growing up, Memorial Day weekend was huge - family, tons of good food, and lots of laughs; he reminisces about it quite frequently. So at a recent funeral, his family decided to bring back that tradition. My aunt and uncle, who live in town, hosted it, which was nice after all the traveling we'd done the days before.

Festivities began at lunch time and didn't stop til dark. It was a great day catching up with family we hadn't seen in a while.

Reese and my dad's cousin, Glorie

Cru and my cousin, Megan

Reese and my cousin's fiancee, Marissa

Cousins - Merrill, Kay, Gaylord, Glorie, and my dad

My cousins - Emily, Andrew, Marissa, myself, Everlee, Megan, Amy, Reese, Chet, and Cru

My second cousins were there as well, who have grown up and started families of their own, which was wonderful for the kids. Reese had an absolute blast playing with her new friend/third cousin, Nora.

We can't wait til next year!

Told ya we had a lot going on! Needless to say, it was nice spending Monday getting caught up at home.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Busy, busy

I can't believe how crazy this week has been! And the weekend is only going to be busier.

Tonight is Reese's dance recital! I'm sure it'll be super-duper cute, but I'm hoping her 4 hour dress rehearsal isn't an indicator of how long our night will be. The two little ones may give us a run for our money.

Tomorrow we travel to Russell for my cousin's wedding. But before that, Reese has tee ball practice.

Sunday we are having a Reese Memorial Day family reunion, which I'm totally looking forward to! And if we can squeeze it in, one of our neighbor friends is having a birthday party.

It's crazy times like these that I like to find a little time to just stop and smell the roses.....

or play at the park in a diaper.

Have a great holiday weekend! Check in with you all soon.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Casyn's graduation

This past Saturday we celebrated Aunt Casyn's high school graduation. I can't believe she was just going into third grade when I started dating Chet! Time flies!

It was great spending time with family at her reception. When Reese and Cru weren't pestering and climbing all over Uncle Caid and/or Uncle Cason, they had a blast with the neighbor kids. That is until Cru fell off the swing set (bruise on forehead, bloody nose, bruise on cheek, and slit his chin). What a kid.

We are so proud of you, Casyn! You've already accomplished so much in your life, I can't imagine what your future might hold. It'll be great!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Reese's last day of pre-school

Hard to believe the school year has already come to an end! Reese was so excited for her last day not because school is over, but because of all the fun stuff they had planned for that day (and because Papa was taking her to school!).

They got to pack a sack lunch (Mommy's first time making a sack lunch!) and they were supposed to go to the Lindsborg park, but leave it to the Kansas weather to ruin the outdoor fun. But leave it to pre-schoolers to still think it's the coolest thing eating a sack lunch on the gym floor!

She ate all her lunch - sugar cookie, jello, cheese balls, and sandwich (in that order). Ha!

Reese had a great first year of school. She loved her teachers, who do a tremendous job with the kids. We are so thankful for them.

Receiving her alphabet book and some other goodies from Ms. Becky.

Hug good bye with little brother close by. He loved Ms. Becky too!

Since play time at the park was canceled, a couple of us moms decided we would have play time at McDonald's after school. It wasn't rain that ruined plans this time.....a boy decided to pee all over the play area. Seriously? We took the kids to Wendy's for frosties instead, which was good enough for them.

Mallorie and Reese

Carter and Ian

Don't they just scream ornery?!

Reese, we are so proud of all you accomplished your first year of school. This is only the beginning (it'll soon be the end in the blink of an eye though!). Just keep being your cautious, observant, compassionate self.