Between anniversaries, birthday parties, and a little girl almost turning 4, I totally forgot I turned 16 weeks today, hence looking ever so sloppy.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4 1/2 inches long and weighs around 3 1/2 ounces - the size of an avocado. Baby is supposed to double in size this week.
Total weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes: Not wearing any yet, but I did look through all that I have the other day. I should be pretty set for this winter since I just wore maternity clothes two winters ago :)
Gender: ?
Movement: YES! Finally!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good.
Symptoms: Exhausted and still having crazy, CRAZY dreams. I actually kinda like having them; never a dull night :)
What I miss: Mt. Dew and lately I've really been missing my dinnertime cocktail.
Cravings: Arby's curly fries!!!
Best moment of the week: Feeling the baby kick, of course! It was Friday, Reese and I had just scrubbed the bathroom, washed the windows, and dusted, and we finally took a break, and that instant of briefly sitting still, there it was - that little flicker inside my belly. Amazing!
What I'm looking forward to: Reese's 4th birthday tomorrow! I've also started looking forward to my big bowl of ice cream I have every single night once the kids are in bed. I think it tastes that much better because I'm eating in peace and quiet.