Saturday, July 31, 2010

KC trip

We headed out Wednesday morning for a three day stay in Kansas City. Chet had a board retreat, so thanks to grandparents, Cheyna and I were able to tag along.

We rolled in right around lunch time, so our first stop was mine and Chet's all time favorite Mexican place in KC, Dos Reales.

The last time we ate there was two years ago when we came up to KC to watch my brother pitch for the T-Bones, and I was 11 weeks pregnant with Cru. I was 11 1/2 weeks pregnant this trip. The food tasted just just as amazing as I remember! Some friends of ours also joined us which was an added treat.

After lunch, Chet went golfing with a few of his buddies, and Cheyna and I headed here!

First stop, here!

We spent nearly 2 hours there!

Forever 21 + 2 hours = THIS!

We spent so much time in there, we only made it to about three other stores before we had to leave. It actually timed out perfectly though because right as we loaded up the car, Chet finished golfing. So instead of driving all the way to the hotel, we headed straight to our friends' house for dinner (more Mexican!). It was a great evening with old friends.

We finally checked into our hotel around 10:15 that evening.

This is where we stayed.

Gotta love staying on the very top floor.....ack!

The next morning, I headed to my favorite second hand store. Two sack fulls later, I think it's safe to say I hit the jackpot yet again. It was a lot of fun picking up some sweet baby girl things for my new little niece who arrives in less than two months!

Chet had meetings that afternoon, so Cheyna and I headed to the Oak Park Mall. Once again, we spent nearly 2 hours in Forever 21! Yes, same store, but way different stuff. And yet again, because we spent so much time in one store, we only hit up a few others after that because I had to be back by a certain time to go to dinner with Chet.

We had planned to go back to the mall the next day since Chet had more meetings, but his meetings ended by lunch time, so we decided just to grab some lunch and head home. Probably a good idea....we did quite a bit of damage in just two afternoons!

It was a blast and a great little get away. But I was really starting to miss my babies.

They really enjoyed checking out and trying on all the new stuff.

Thanks again, babe for taking us girls with you. And a huge thank you to our parents for taking care of the kiddos. I'm sure they weren't spoiled at all.....ha!

Monday, July 26, 2010

11 weeks

(What a pose, huh? Chet told me to work it for the camera, so this is me "working it" and I look like a total dorko. But he said it looked way better than me just standing normal. Whatever Babe! But this is for you!)

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 11 weeks - only like 208 more days....ha!
Size of baby: 1 1/2 inches, about the size of a fig

Total weight gain/loss: Not exactly sure what I weighed before I got pregnant, so I'll start calculating after my next appt in August.
Maternity clothes: No, thanks to loose, flowy tanks being in style this summer.
Gender: ??? Can't believe I have to wait all the way until February to find out!
Movement: None yet but we did see him/her kicking on the sonogram.
Sleep: Sleeping OK. I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom, and I also have at least 2-3 very weird, very vivid dreams. I'm going to start writing them down so I can share some with you. They are crazy!
Symptoms: Way more nausea than I'd like, like all day long. Every time I think it's subsiding, it's not. I'm holding out hope that it ends when the first trimester ends. And I'm very, very tired. Some evenings, I literally do not know how I'm going to get my butt out of the chair to take a shower.
What I miss: Mt. Dew!!!! Oh how I miss it!
Cravings: Every time I think I'm craving something, I take one bite and almost throw up. Although that doesn't seem to happen with Butterfingers.
Best moment of the week: The 2 hour nap I took last week!
What I'm looking forward to: This has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I'm headed to KC this week with Chet and my SIL, Cheyna, and it's ALL I can think about! I'm looking forward to some time away eating at my favorite Mexican restaurant EVER and doing lots of shopping without pushing a stroller or lugging kids in and out of the car!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cru and his animal sounds

Cru's been working on his animal sounds for a while now. Until recently, everything barked, but now everything seems to quack. His vocabulary has really expanded lately too or maybe it's what he's been trying to tell us all along, it's just now somewhat pronunciated.

So here he is making some of his animal noises. Pause my music first before playing.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Having a third child has been a topic of conversation between Chet and I every day since we had we or don't we. I think we both always knew we wanted three children, but we just didn't know when. Quite a while ago, we decided not to make any baby decisions until after the summer. But then Chet decided maybe we should just "see what happens" - not trying, but not preventing. I was OK with that because I was not evening thinking about getting pregnant.

One morning, after the kids and I finished grocery shopping, I just felt horrible. I had no idea if I was "late" or not. Remember, I wasn't thinking it would happen that quickly. I happened to have a test from way back when I found out I was pregnant with Cru, so I took it. Positive in seconds! It was like when I found out I was pregnant with Reese - I had no idea + meant positive. Once it sunk in though that it really was positive, I was overwhelmed with excitement. I didn't see Chet all day, so that's when I decided I would surprise him with the news for his birthday, but that meant waiting 8 days! Not happening! I spilled the beans minutes after seeing him!

So, here we are, 10 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and we couldn't be more excited!

As I mentioned a few weeks ago in a post, I had some health issues arise. They were not baby related, and thankfully had no effect on the little one. I made several trips to the doctor during those couple weeks, and they never once mentioned the baby, so I took that as a good sign. I did, however, get a little anxious, and a week before our first ob appointment, I asked my doctor ever-so-sweetly to please check the heart beat. He agreed, but warned me at only 9 weeks along, we more than likely wouldn't hear it so I wasn't supposed to get discouraged. He listened and listened, and finally as he's about to take the doppler off my belly, we heard the faintest whah-whah-whah ever. It was amazing! It was so faint that Chet, who was sitting right next to me, couldn't hear it. He quickly stood up, and the doctor was able to find it again, but only for seconds. We breathed a sign of relief that afternoon.

This Monday was our first official ob appointment. It went well. We heard the heart beat again. A little louder this week :) We also had a sonogram to check dates since I wasn't exactly sure on my dates. Right now, our official due date is Valentine's Day....too sweet, huh?

Little thing was already waving those hands and kicking those feet!

(as your looking at the screen, head is on the right, two little hands sticking out below that. i think he/she kinda looks like a puppy dog.)

Yes, I said he/she because like with Reese and Cru, we will not be finding out the sex until his/her birthday. But I'm open to guesses :) I may have to put a poll up on my sidebar for fun.

Reese screamed with excitement when we told her, and yelled, "I'm going to have a baby sister!" And that's also what she's told everyone when she's told them we're having a baby - not a baby, a baby sister. I think her brother drives her bonkers all day long, so she's thinking a sister would be way better. We just tell her, "Yes, Mommy is having a sister OR a brother. "

So, there you have it - details with pictures! I plan on keeping track of everything with this pregnancy because I totally slacked with all that when I was pregnant with Cru, and since this is my personal scrapbook, I'll be keeping track right here on my blog, from weight gain to symptoms to everything. You don't have to read it, I just want to keep track for my own memories.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Almost forgot

I know Chet's birthday has been over a month ago, but I almost forgot to share the big gift I gave him.

I got it one morning a week before his birthday and had planned for it to be a big surprise, however, later in the evening that same day, I couldn't take it. I told him I had a special surprise for his birthday, but I couldn't wait that long to give it to him. He begged and begged me not to give it to him.

But I just couldn't wait.....

At this point, he was OK with me spoiling the surprise.

It's been so long since I took the test, you can barely see the positive sign any more, but believe me, it's definitely positive

Cool gift, huh?!

Lots of details coming soon!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Either grocery shopping or this

This morning, I desperately needed to go grocery shopping. We had no bread, bad milk, and nothing to fix for supper.








And it was!

A good way to start our day!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

This weekend, we.....

.....found some fun new garage sale treasures.

.....quietly snuck away while Mommy and Reese were distracted by the new garage sale toys to eat the McDonald's that was waiting in the van. banked and washed the van at the same time!

.....cleaned so much out of the garage that people kept stopping thinking we were having a garage sale.

.....baked some yummy cookies and ate entirely way too many!

.....grilled some delicious burgers. a boo-boo from our new garage sale toys (chin and inside mouth).

.....built Coy a new area in the garage.

(before - built out of a dresser, broken sheet rock, and paint cans)


.....stayed hydrated any way possible.


And splashed some more.

And splashed some more.



.....had a great weekend!