Friday, May 28, 2010


If you haven't noticed or checked out (on my sidebar) you should! It's a great blog that consists of coupons, deals, and giveaways!

Today, they are featuring and GIVING AWAY the latest Bows & Bands product - TUTUS! Just go here for a chance to win! All you have to do is leave a comment on why you want to win a tutu by 9:00 pm CT tonight. Good luck!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

15 months

I haven't done any monthly updates on Cru since he turned a year old....bad mommy. He turned 15 months yesterday and had a well child check, so I thought I'd share a little bit about what he's up to.

  • He weighs 24 lbs. (50%) and is 33 inches (80%)
  • He has 12 teeth
  • He is on the go all the time!
  • He is an ornery little you this grin when he knows he's doing something he shouldn't.
  • He takes one nap a day after lunch for around 2 1/2 - 3 hours.
  • He's been sleeping really well at night and sleeping in until around 8:30! Bless you, child, bless you!
  • He's the pickiest eater EVER! His favorite foods are jelly sandwiches, yogurt, bananas, apples, crackers, Cheetos, nibbles of cucumber, spaghetti, pizza, and ANYTHING sweet. The doctor said, "So basically he's surviving on carbs." You got it.
  • He says several words - hi, Daddy, Sissy, Coy, Cooter, sit, duh (for drink), cookie (he screams that in Subway!), and some others that I can't think of right now.
  • He's got a set of lungs that would knock your socks off.
  • He's a cuddler :)
  • He loves to wear a ball cap, which makes Grandpa very happy.
  • He sat in time out for the first time last weekend before church.....he didn't like it one bit.
  • He loves, loves, LOVES to be outside.
  • He's all ours and we love him to pieces!

Monday, May 24, 2010


We had a weekend of celebrations, and it began with my cousin Emily's high school graduation. To say Reese had an absolute blast with my cousins is an understatement! I'm so upset I didn't have my camera. Literally, the first thing out of her mouth when we left was, "That was so cool!"

Next, we helped Aunt Cheyna celebrate turning 20!

Reese couldn't wait to give Cheyna her present - a fishing pole!

Just a few short hours after leaving the Buchmans, we got a call from Aunty Chancey down in Florida....another reason to celebrate.....she got engaged!!!!

Celebrations continued on into Sunday with my cousin Isaac's college graduation (who is now headed to KU med!) out at the family pond. I shared in Reese's excitement to go out there. This place is seriously one of the most peaceful and beautiful places I have ever seen.

Reese was absolutely totally 100% in love with little Casen.

My uncle Jeff promised Isaac an orange Chevy Camaro if he graduated best thing, a model one.

But wait, what's that? Surprise, it's the real thing!

Of course, we couldn't leave without watching Jeff feed the catfish.

A weekend of celebrations it was - celebrating life, family, and accomplishments. Doesn't get much better.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


It's graduation weekend around McPherson, and someone in the Buchman house is doing a little graduating of his own - Cru has graduated from his high chair to a booster chair!

Boy, is he proud!

I love my morning time with him before Reese wakes up - he's so happy and free to play with whatever he chooses. This particular morning, I was feeding him some yogurt over in the living room (tisk, tisk I know), and after a few spoonfuls, he started pointing towards his high chair. But instead of going to his high chair, he went to Reese's booster chair. Of course, I let him sit in it; special treatment for this little man when Sissy isn't around.

Ooo, and treasures that Reese left at the table.....

she makes a pretty good spoon.

Man, this would make Sissy so mad.

I knew there was no going back to the high chair.

And all be darn, look what he had by lunchtime - his own booster chair that I found at a garage sale for $2!!!!

You've graduated, Buddy! Way to go! And what Reese doesn't know, makes her really happy (when telling Chet about this, I had to speak in "code" because Reese probably would have freaked if she knew Cru was in her chair using her toy as a spoon).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Simple pleasures

It's never really taken much to make Reese happy.

Simple things.

Like a big, colorful hair bow

or a fluffy tutu

or super-cool cow rain boots

or Sponge Bob

or puddles and mud in the wide open street.

Imagine her happiness when you combine those


and simple


Thanks, Reese, for reminding me of this every day.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

All Schools Day festivities = picture overload

Friday was the 97th year for McPherson's All Schools Day. I remember when I was a kid, I couldn't wait for the parade. We'd go early and set up our chairs with my Grandma and Grandpa Reese, then my gymnastics team would perform in the middle of main street before the parade started. During those years, my mom taught school in Galva, and she always rode on a float.....does anyone else from McPherson remember when there use to be a ton of floats instead of a ton of bands? I miss that.

Now that I'm older, my May Day parade excitement stems from my kids' excitement.....wonder if that's how my parents felt year after year with my brother and I?

We set up shop in the entry way of Dirt Cheap. May not have been front row, but they were perfect seats for us - a place for Reese and Cru to dance and run around without being in the way.

Reese visited some of her friends before the parade started - Reese, Mallorie, and Carter. The night before, they kept telling each other, "Meetcha at the parade!"

The parade finally started, and Reese was on the look out for Aunt Casyn.

Her and her doubles partner were in the parade for winning state tennis.

Besides seeing Aunt Casyn, this was definitely Reese's favorite! She watched them all the way down the block, and would yell out whenever she'd see a new character pop out the window.

To be honest, we really didn't do a whole lot of watching and waving this year.

The kids had more fun eating

and throwing funnel cake,

hangin' with family,

being silly,

and dreaming of riding on a float some day.

All during the parade, Reese kept asking where the camels were at. She's been anxiously waiting to ride a camel like she did last year.

Although I was willing, I wasn't exactly thrilled about riding a camel again, so maybe I kinda sorta did some convincing before we got there that she was a big girl and could ride the camel all by herself. Boy, was she pumped.

However, when it actually came time to ride, she freaked. And guess what happened.

You know, you do whatcha gotta do.

Of course, she wanted to ride again. Not by herself, of course. Looked who stepped up this time!

Way to go, Grandma!

After blowing 20 bucks on camels rides, we headed to the petting zoo.

And to top it all off, Reese ran into her special buddy, Carter, before heading home.

Without hesitation, they quickly ran off to play and could have cared less about anything else.

Reese must have told him how fun the camel ride was because once they finally said their good-byes, look where we found him!

Sometimes it feels more like a hassel taking the kids to the parade and participating in some of the festivites, but to see their smiles and hear Reese talk about all the fun she had, it makes it all worth it. Good times this year, good times!