Before this gorgeous weather turns cold, we are taking full advantage with several trips to the park.
Yes, Reese has finally discovered that slides are fun!
Cru is a huge fan of sitting in the rocks.
Notice the paci in his's for his own protection. He tries to stuff handfuls of rocks down his throat.
Cru still isn't a huge fan of baby food, but every day gets better.
No exaggeration, this is what it's like
every night. I've said it before, and I'll say it again (and probably again and again), he is
nothing like his sister.
Cru also got shots this week :( He did great though. Even the nurse kept saying how well he handled them. Little does he know, he'll be getting another one next week when he gets his flu shot. Sorry buddy. After his shots, he took a good long nap on my lap (there's nothing better), and Reese was
supposed to be napping too. She came out of her room once, and I
loudly whispered, "Get back in your room!" She listened, however, 15 minutest later, her door opens again. I hear shuffling in the bathroom. Lately, she's been getting up during nap time to go poop all by herself (too bad she can't wipe herself yet). Anyways, this is just bad timing because Cru was deep in sleep, and I did not want to disturb him to go wipe her. So I just sat there waiting to hear, "Mom, I'm done." But no, I soon hear water running. What in the world is she doing??? This is not going to be good. So an hour later when Cru finally wakes up (I told you he was out)
Me: Reese, what are you doing?
Reese: Washing my hands.
She's been washing her hands for an hour?!
Me: Reese, get out here now!
Reese: Whoa! The floor is slick.
Oh, this can't be good.
I put Cru down and peek in the bathroom dreading what I'm going to find....puddles and puddles of water. Not just on the floor, water is everywhere! Wait, what's that?
Me: Reese, what's on the toilet?
Reese: My toothpaste.
And I keep discovering.....just like the water, it wasn't
just on the toilet. Globs of toothpaste are in cups and all over the sink, basically everywhere but on her tooth brush. This child! The best part, she was washing her hands because she did in fact go poop, however remember, she can't wipe herself, so she was washing her hands
for an hour with a naked dirty butt!
To end the crazy week, today I went to the Hillsboro arts and crafts fair with my mom. As we left, I told my mom how thankful I was to have a little girl (yes, the same little girl who covered her bathroom in toothpaste and water). Because when you have a little girl you get to accessorize (1 hat, 2 flower clips and 5 bows)!
Wonder what next week will bring?